

M-Sten is a methylated prohormone that will produces extreme muscle mass gains like Superdrol. This is the perfect prohormone to do a bulking cycle. Some may uses it for a recomp or cutting cycle but it’s not intented for this. Please note that MethylStenbolone is a prohormone for advanced users, not beginners!

5mg Methylstenbolone

20mg Methylcellouse

60 capsules - 30-60 servings

1-2 tablets per day

1 in the morning/ can be followed by another 12 hours later

4-8 week cycle

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M-Sten is a methylated prohormone that will produces extreme muscle mass gains like Superdrol. This is the perfect prohormone to do a bulking cycle. Some may uses it for a recomp or cutting cycle but it’s not intented for this. Please note that MethylStenbolone is a prohormone for advanced users, not beginners !

Side effects of MethylStenbolone is about the same Superdrol. From users experiences, m-sten could give a little bit less side effects but everyone is different so…

Due to being methylated, MethylStenbolone is toxic for the liver. Liver damages can be avoided by taking a good liver support supplement or a full cycle support supplement. For the post cycle therapy (PCT),

SD Matrix
Hyper DMZ