MK-677+ LGD-4033
Growth hormone secretagogue enhancing GH/IGF-1 levels, enhancing muscle recovery, growth, sleep, apatite and more
LGD 4033 (Ligandrol):
SAR-M targeting muscle to increase lean muscle mass as well as fat loss benefits
MK-677+ LGD
Recommended Course length 8 weeks (2 capsules a day)
Per capsule:
LGD 4033 5mgs
MK-677 10mg
Piperine 5mg for better absorption
(Mk-677 on its own can be taken 6 at a time, before a break. So you can continue with this on its own after)
LGD-4033 is best stacked with MK-677 in a bulking stack for synergistic effects. This cycle would help in building solid muscle mass and muscle size while improving recovery, the sense of well-being, and sleep quality.
MK-677 stimulates Growth Hormone and IGF-1 which each factor in significantly to maintaining lean body mass. Growth Hormone is believed by many to stimulate an increase in muscle size and strength and the ability of MK-677 to increase Growth Hormone production make it a popular choice
MK-677 is theorised to be possibly being an effective treatment for individuals who suffer from catabolic conditions. It can have tremendous results to increase bone mineral density.
Growth Hormone is known to help improve sleep quality, it is commonly thought that Ibutamoren Mesylate can assist with sleep quality since it stimulates production in Growth Hormone. A study showed that in both younger and elderly subjects, ibutamoren improved sleep quality and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep duration.
Great for bulking
Enhances fat loss
Increases muscle mass
Supports faster recovery and healing of wounds, ligaments, tendons and bones.
increases bone density
Anti-aging - improves skin, hair and nails
improves sleep quality
safe for long term use
stacks well with other SARMS
One of the most potent SARMs on the market, Anabolicum/ Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is second to none when it comes to improving lean muscle mass and redefining strength levels. The effect of this SARM can range from dramatic cutting to bulking body transformations. During the bulking phase, bodybuilders can expect to gain muscle mass and strength gains that can be easily retained and for long when combined with the correct amounts of macronutrients and calories.
LGD-4033 works by binding to androgen receptors in the body in both the bone and muscle tissues. This SARM is equally effective to prevent muscle wastage. Anabolicum has amazing bone strengthening and healing properties.
Benefits Of Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
- Increases lean muscle mass.
- Enhanced body composition.
- Rapid strength improvements.
- Helps to maintain hard-earned gains.
- Prevents bone degeneration.
- Completely versatile.
- Effective to treat testosterone deficiency.
- Best to bridge gap between cycles.
- Does not cause liver toxicity.
- Does not affect cholesterol levels, kidneys, prostate, or blood pressure.
Typical Results
LGD-4033 users have reported great improvements in terms of muscle mass and strength. According to online reviews on eminent SARMs and bodybuilding forums, users experienced loss of fat and muscle mass gains in as short as four to six weeks. Some users reported that their ability to handle intense workouts by as much as 40 to 50 percent. By using this SARM for six to eight weeks, users can expect harder, cleaner, and improved vascularity during the cutting phase