RAD 140 is pure RAD140 or testolone- great muscle builder and very anabolic. There are many positive results coming out of RAD 140 and is up there with some of the most promising in recent time. It has all the abilities to be a powerful and potent supplement and is proving to be the perfect answer for building muscle and boosting strength. If you are a bodybuilder looking to gain that ripped physique then this will be the answer for you.

Rad 140 is often compared to Ostarine as they resemble each other in ways such as they are both non steroidal. Ostarine is very popular with bodybuilders for the ability to decrease fat tissue and increase overall muscle mass, however RAD140 has now been proven to be more useful for muscle mass increase rather than its fat loss abilities.
Bodybuilders looking to further increase their bone density and muscle mass are advised to take RAD 140.
You can easily put on 10lbs of lean muscle mass when researching with this SARM.
Recommended Course length 4 to 8 weeks (2 a day, 12 hours apart)
Per capsule:
Rad140, Testolone 10mgs
Piperine 5mgs for better absorption
£39.99 for 60 capsules
Benefits of RAD 140
Increases muscle mass and size
Helps burn fat
Helps protect brain cells
Highly anabolic
Increased libido and sexual performance
Non-liver toxic
Rapid recovery
No androgenic side effects
anabolic/androgenic ratio of 90:1
Stacks well
PCT recommended
So, what is RAD140 according to scientists?
There have been a number of research studies into this compound. The National Health Institute has come up with interesting research and this is a conclusion:
RAD140 has all the hallmarks of a SARM. It is potency selective, since it stimulates muscle weight increases at a lower dose than that required to stimulate prostate weight increases. Moreover, it is also efficacy selective, because it is fully anabolic on muscle but demonstrates less than complete efficacy on the prostate and seminal vesicles and, in fact, can partially antagonise the stimulation of the seminal vesicles induced by testosterone. RAD140 has excellent pharmacokinetics and is a potent anabolic in nonhuman primates as well. We believe the overall preclinical profile of RAD140 is very good.
Not suitable for women