MK-677 Ibutamoran


Increase/stimulates the body's natural growth hormones WITHOUT the negative increase in cortisol. Enhances fat loss, increases muscle mass, supports faster recovery , ligaments, tendons and more…

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MK-677 stimulates Growth Hormone and IGF-1 which each factor in significantly to maintaining lean body mass. Growth Hormone is believed by many to stimulate an increase in muscle size and strength and the ability of MK-677 to increase Growth Hormone production make it a popular choice

MK-677 is theorized to be possibly being an effective treatment for individuals who suffer from catabolic conditions. It can have tremendous results to increase bone mineral density.

Growth Hormone is known to help improve sleep quality, it is commonly thought that Ibutamoren Mesylate can assist with sleep quality since it stimulates production in Growth Hormone. A study showed that in both younger and elderly subjects, ibutamoren improved sleep quality and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep duration.

  • Great for bulking

  • Enhances fat loss

  • Increases muscle mass

  • Supports faster recovery and healing of wounds, ligaments, tendons and bones.

  • increases bone density

  • Anti-aging - improves skin, hair and nails

  • improves sleep quality

  • safe for long term use

  • stacks well with other SARMS

  • it is also suitable for women

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